You just got SUN’ed

Sun Finance
2 min readOct 10, 2021

Who’s in, who’s out?

Due to popular demand, SUN Finance just launched its meme competition both on its Discord and Telegram community.

We all want to laugh and giggle under the $SUN, so show us your talent in making those memes and make our community brighter! Who knows, you can be the next winner!

Two winners will be announced every Saturday and three, yes THREE, winners every SUNday (we love SUNdays!)

Winners also get accepted to our exclusive #sunarmy community where most of the NFT sneak peeks get revealed first!

Win and Stay Green

The initial plan for prizes is to airdrop meme contest winners with 100,000 $SUN tokens. But the team got creative in its approach to avoid the usual “airdrop-and-drop” effect.

Winners were asked to buy 100,000 SUN tokens instead and they got reimbursed with the same FTM amount they spent. This way, our SUN chart will stay in the green and the winners get their prize tokens risk-free (thus eliminating the unnecessary token selling). It’s a win-win for everyone!

Winners will be picked and announced regularly in the SUN Finance #memes channel, so start creating those juicy memes and spread the SUNshine!

Stay in the Know.

Look at our posted memes and announcements here!






Sun Finance

Sun Finance aims to provide a comprehensive roster of De-Fi services supporting up-and-coming projects & solutions that make a mark in the cryptocurrency space.